Missing Classmates

We do not have contact information on the following classmates.  If you have any contact information, especially an e-mail address, click on the classmates name and enter the e-mail address. Otherwise, please click on "Contact Us" at the top of this page and enter the classmate's other information.  Thank You.

Terry Abell
John Adams Jr
Rita Aguilera
Linda Allen
Nancy Amaden
Larry Arnold
Virginia Augustus
Dellie Balinget
Margaret Basquez
Carolyn Beach
Theresa Bell
Charlene Berry
Carolyn Bevel
Karen Billings
Christiane Binsch
Leslie Borden
Marlene Boynton
Elizabeth Brown
Andrew (Andy) BULLOCH, II
Richard Bungay
Nadine Bunny
Gay Carter
Judy Cartwright
Cheryl Christensen
Joan Coe
Barbara Cole
Stephanie Comer
Jerry Cooks
Judy Corke
Suzanna Coyne
Dorothy Cummings
Craig Currier
Lucille Davis
Patricia Dismukes
Lynne Dolce
Elizabeth Donoghue
Bonnie Duffus
Linda English
Dorothy Evans
Ruth Ewing
Jayeleene Fellos
Sue Fontaine
Jeanne Foster
Mary Freeman
Sharon Funk
Joe Gallegos (Davis)
Mary Garcia
Diane Gill
Larry Gill
Sue Glasscock
Bill Green
Nancie Greenhaw
Barbara Groppi
Carolyn Hagen
Joe Hall
Barbara Hanger
Naomi Sunny"" Hara
June Hashimoto
Wanda Haynes
Constance Helmich
Roy Hernandez
Rupert Hess
Pam Higgerson
Virginia Hollister
Marion Holmes
John (Andy) Hossack
Sally Howsley (Rand)
Jackie Itogawa
Henrietta Ives
Mardi Jacobs (Philips)
Barbara Jernigan
Joan Johnson
Michael Johnson
Nanteese Keel
Dee Kessler
Ron King
Susan Knoble
Wendi Lai (Lewellen)
Mary Langolf
Paul Lavrick
Carol Lowe
Karen Mahan
Martha Mann
Lois Maxwell
Jerry Mayer
Dianna McMANUS
Richard Merrill
Kathryn Moore
Mary Morrison
Bonnie Moseley
Jean Nemoto
Dave Ng
Cathy Okamoto
Jr. Olson
Jobelle Ortiz
Jenny Paddy
Lana Palmore
Eleanor Pippitt
Diane Place
Diana Powell
Virginia Powers
Bev Pulis (Brace)
Jean Ramsey
Shirley Real (Vessels-Edgil)
Erika Reinsch
Chuck Rhodes
Joan Richardson
Evelyn Rivera
Sally Roberts
Mary Rodriguez
Roger Rodway
Roberta Rose
Patti Rossi
Georgia Rudolph
Rita Ruiz
Carol Runsick
Sanda Lee Sanders
Sharon Schwilk
Marnie Seale
Gloria Searcie
Shirley Sheppard (Braun)
Patsy Shurtz
Milda Skirmantas
Loyce Smartt
Claudette Smith
Marion Snook
Robert Strahle
Margaret Takagi
Peter (Pete) Taylor
Richard J. Thomas
Sharon Thompson
Bob Tilford
Leatha Vann
Sharon Vannatta
Estella Vaughn
Joan West
Marilyn Whitten
Patricia Willis
Darlene Wolf
Leona Wolfson
Carolyn Wong
Katherine Wood
Cathy Woodard
Mina Yanez
Beth Young
Cynthia Zook