Gary Rawlinson DDS

Profile Updated: September 12, 2021
Gary Rawlinson DDS
Gary Rawlinson DDS


Gary Rawlinson DDS


Gary Rawlinson DDS


Yes! Attending Reunion
Residing In: Folsom, CA
Occupation: Director of Dental Policy, Delta Dental of Calif
Family & Children: Kristin 35
Jennifer 35
Mindy Sue 30
Military Service: USMC  
Been There and Done That: Remembrances, Life Lessons and Observations:

Joined USMC for six years at age 17. Graduated from Sac State in 1972. DDS degree from UOP 1975. Practiced in Sacramento, Citrus Heights, Downtown Sac, and Roseville. 2001 worked for Delta Dental as Dental Consultant for Fraud and Abuse cases. 2006 Director of Operations for retired military dental plan, 2011, Director of Dental Policy for Federal Government Programs.

School Memories, & Education Story:

Remember joyriding Condi Hamlin's car, running out of gas on the pocket road and had to push it all the way back to his house. Got caught and had to answer to local police and pay restitution. Yikes.

Track Team! Hated running so did 110 High Hurdles. Track record against Hiram Johnson as they only had one other runner and I stumbled across ahead of him. Was only a record because Johnson was brand new! Record was broken by five seconds the following year. Note: actually became a runner and marathoner much later in life and loved it!! Ha!

Being in love with Diane Younger as a first real love. Heart was crushed when she broke up with me for football guy!

As mascot at Turkey Day game, head was stolen by Sac guys and I chased them across the field and tackled him but alas, the head was tossed into the stands. Standing ovation was not enough for my failure to gain my lost head. Have been trying to find it eversince!!

If I coulda, I shoulda -- What?: Any Regrets or Play-over wishes?

None. Would not change a thing.

Bucket List?

Go to Europe!

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Feb 14, 2025 at 1:33 AM
Feb 14, 2024 at 1:33 AM
Mar 12, 2023 at 9:49 AM

Have great birthday old timer! How is your golf game?

Gary Rawlinson DDS has a birthday today. New comment added.
Feb 14, 2023 at 9:30 AM

Posted on: Feb 14, 2023 at 1:33 AM

Feb 14, 2022 at 1:33 AM
Sep 12, 2021 at 8:46 AM
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Sep 12, 2021 at 8:44 AM
Feb 14, 2021 at 1:33 AM
Gary Rawlinson DDS added a comment on Profile.
Sep 19, 2020 at 1:50 PM
Feb 14, 2020 at 1:35 AM
Feb 14, 2019 at 1:33 AM
Feb 14, 2018 at 1:33 AM
Feb 14, 2017 at 1:33 AM
Gary Rawlinson DDS changed "Now" picture.
Jul 12, 2016 at 10:58 PM
Gary Rawlinson DDS changed "Then" picture.
Jul 12, 2016 at 10:51 PM
Gary Rawlinson DDS has left an In Memory comment for David Goldstein.
Jul 12, 2016 at 9:33 AM

David Marty Goldstein
(1943 - 2016)
David Marty Goldstein passed away in San Francisco on June 27 at the age of 73 after an eight month battle with lung cancer. He was born in Sacramento California on March 12,1943, the oldest child of Frank and Blanche Goldstein. As an infant, he and his mother lived on Navy bases on the East Coast in order to be close to his father who was a communications officer in the U.S. Navy. He was raised in Sacramento, California where he attended Sacramento public schools. He received a BA in history from the University of California, Berkeley in 1965 and a law degree from the University of San Francisco in 1968. He was a member of the Sacramento Public Defender's Office from 1969 to 1973. In 1973, he moved from Sacramento to his eventual lifelong home, the Marina neighborhood of San Francisco. While in San Francisco, David was known for his commitment to and tenacity for his clients. He was involved in numerous high profile cases, including his defense of one member of the "Billionaire Boys Club," later recounted by a TV movie. His dogged defense work brought him praise, including the 1997 Dennis Woodman Award of the San Mateo County Bar Association. The award honored him as "the Private Defender who, heedless of opposition and with ceaseless determination, fights for those whose liberty or lives, are in peril." His devotion to justice did not stop there. He mentored young attorneys in the San Francisco Public Defender's Office, as well as teaching in the San Francisco State Paralegal Studies Program where he is belovedly remembered by several generations of students. During his life in San Francisco, living in the Marina, he became affectionately known as "The Mayor of Chestnut Street"; he enjoyed taking walks down Chestnut Street, greeting neighbors and local restaurateurs, and eating at the many of the establishments. One could not walk down Chestnut with David without meeting at least three people that knew him. He however didn't just stick to his own neighborhood, he enjoyed walking all over San Francisco. In his frequent travels--trips to New York City, Paris, Baku, Beijing, Louisville and many more--he always enjoyed touring by foot. David was known for his dry sense of humor, his intellect, interests in the WWII era and American history, film, and theatre. He was an avid reader, traveler, and sports fan: the Giants, the 49ers and of course CAL Bears football and basketball, as well as a devotee of good food and drink: most often a Maker's Mark on the rocks. He will be incredibly missed by his many friends in the Bay Area and Sacramento, and by his family. He is survived by his sister, Laurie Wood, of Sacramento; his brother, Michael Goldstein, of Potomac, Maryland; his niece, Hannah Wood, of New York City; and his nephew, Andrew Goldstein, of Manhattan Beach, California. Contributions in his memory should be sent to HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society), The Service League of San Mateo County, as well as Healthright360. Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society The Service League of San Mateo County Health 360 Please visit to view and sign David's digital guestbook 
Funeral Services Provided By:
Harry A. Nauman & Son
4041 Freeport Blvd
Sacramento, CA 95822  
(916) 452-6157
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Sunday, July 17, 2016
10:00 am
Home of Peace Jewish Cemetery
6200 Stockton Blvd
Sacramento, California
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Gary Rawlinson DDS has left an In Memory comment for David Goldstein.
Jul 02, 2016 at 9:33 AM

Very sad to hear of the passing of Dave. He and his family lived across the street from us in South Land Park. He was my mentor being a half grade ahead and always an example of leadership for Paul Schunke and me on frequent commutes to school. I can still see the sparking wry grin when he caught the undergrads believing some mythical story he spun.  He was an example for all of us to follow. We will miss you, David. 

Gary Rawlinson DDS changed "Then" picture.
Jul 02, 2016 at 6:33 AM
Feb 14, 2016 at 1:33 AM
Feb 14, 2015 at 1:33 AM
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Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 10:14 PM
My date for the Marine Corps Ball 2010
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 10:14 PM
Golf is my game and my laughing place!
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 10:14 PM
Wedding Photographer for wedding dress search day for Mindy.
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 10:14 PM
Kona 2009 (a little under the weather?)
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 10:14 PM
Youngest daughter Mindy April 2011
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 10:14 PM
Me and Belle 2010
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 10:14 PM
Daughter Jen and me Circa 1981
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 10:14 PM
Haley and Skyler April 2011
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 10:14 PM
Daughter Jen and girls
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 10:14 PM