C.K. McClatchy High School
Class Of 1961
Lynn Chambers Siebert
Lynn's Latest Interactions
To know Bob was a blessing. He just loved people and his life work reflects that love. I could never get past Bob Saunders smile. It would just stop me in my tracks walking down the halls of McClatchy. He had to be one of the most likeable guys ever. He always had a kind word and seemed so glad to see and talk to me. I will always remember Bob with fondness. Lynn Chambers Siebert.
Posted on: Sep 17, 2023 at 1:33 AM
If you are down our way (Deerfield Beach, Florida), give me a heads up so we can get together for a visit! Y'all come see us, Ya hear!
If you are down our way, give me a holler via email so we can visit. Come on down, y'all.
I loved Hank Crowle. He was allways smiling, laughing and super friendly the few times I had the pleasure of renewing our friendship at Reunions. I am so sad to say goodby to one of the nicest guys I ever met. You were an asset in all of our lives, Hank.